Big Foot
Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch or Yeti in the Himalayas). Is a simian-like creature that is said to inhabit forests. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.
Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal.
Although scientist may have discounted the existence of bigfoot. That doesn't mean that they don't really exist. There are dozens of films and pictures that have captured Bigfoot roaming the forest or mountains.
And here the videos and pictures that compels our group the most.
1. Paul Freeman's Bigfoot Video.
Paul Freeman 1994 Bigfoot footage filmed in the Blue Mountains of Washington. It's considered to be authentic by many Bigfoot investigators and can be viewed in the documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.
Freeman recorded his famous 1994 footage on Super-8 video, and the less than cutting edge quality has turned some researchers away from the film. But, for that time period, it is as good as most, considering the conditions it was taken in. This film also contains an extremely rare, if not exclusive scene of two Bigfoot together at one time.
2. Sarasota Florida skunk ape
Sightings of the Skunk Ape are relatively common in Florida and North Carolina, Patch reports. In 2000, a Sarasota woman took photos of what she first thought was an orangutan near I-75. Others think she captured a Skunk Ape on camera. Some believed it to be the bigfoot.
3. Jacob's Bigfoot
Jacobs had placed the motion-sensing camera on a tree along a game trail in a
remote forest area in order to photograph any deer that might be using the
trail. He did this in preparation for the Fall deer hunt. Jacobs was not trying
to obtain images of a bigfoot/sasquatch.
The area in the foreground was baited with a deer attractant mix and a mineral lick block. In the first image (the one with the bear cubs) the mineral lick block can be seen sitting on a large black plastic plate. One of the bear cubs is apparently licking or sniffing the mineral block. In the two subsequent images the black plate is turned over and leaning against the mineral block.
Several minutes elapsed between the image of the bear cubs and the images showing the ape-like animal (see the time stamps in the lower right corner of the images).
The second image shows the ape-like animal from a rear-side angle, with its head obscured by its shoulders. In the third image the ape-like animal appears to be smelling the ground near where the deer attractant mix had been scattered.
Various anatomical elements can be seen upon careful examination of the images, including a bare spot in the fur under the arm.
4. Dyatlov Pass Incident; Yeti
In the night of what is believed to be February 2, 1959, 9
Russian university students hiking and skiing in the wilderness of the Ural
mountains died mysteriously. Theories for their demise range from natural
disasters to a government or military cover up and even to an encounter
with aliens or the Russian bigfoot known as Yeti.
Digging deeper
Found weeks later, after a massive search effort had been launched, the bodies of the 9 students, 7 men and 2 women were located outside of their tent which they had hurriedly fled by cutting an opening from the inside. They had left with just the clothes of their back and, without shoes or boots, ran into the dark of the night. The sub-zero temperatures ensured that they quickly died of hyperthermia. 2 of the bodies were found around the remnants of a makeshift fire, 3 of the bodies were found crawling back to the tent, and the remaining ones were found 2 months later furthest from the camp site in a ravine having suffered from massive internal injuries after having apparently fallen in it in their haste to escape what ever they were running away from.
Found weeks later, after a massive search effort had been launched, the bodies of the 9 students, 7 men and 2 women were located outside of their tent which they had hurriedly fled by cutting an opening from the inside. They had left with just the clothes of their back and, without shoes or boots, ran into the dark of the night. The sub-zero temperatures ensured that they quickly died of hyperthermia. 2 of the bodies were found around the remnants of a makeshift fire, 3 of the bodies were found crawling back to the tent, and the remaining ones were found 2 months later furthest from the camp site in a ravine having suffered from massive internal injuries after having apparently fallen in it in their haste to escape what ever they were running away from.
Known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident, the reason for the students’ panic
has never been explained, though many theories have been put forth.
The most bizarre clue
left behind though, was a note written by the students
themselves, “From now on we know that the snowman exists.” What
could they have meant by that? The Mansi, the indigenous people of the
area, call the mountainside where the students camped “The Mountain
of the Dead Men,” and it is a place they avoid as they believe it is inhabited
by the “Menk,” a hairy forest giant. They had even lost their own group
of hunters not far from the spot the students died. Furthermore, among
the photographs taken by the students is a dark figure at the edge of the
forest. What other explanation would there be for the students setting up
camp in the middle of the slope rather than under the protection
of the trees?
5. Petterson-Gimlin film
The footage was filmed alongside Bluff Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River, about 25 logging-road miles northwest of Orleans, California, in Humboldt County. The film site is roughly 38 miles south of Oregon and 18 miles east of the Pacific Ocean. For decades, the exact location of the site was lost, primarily because of re-growth of foliage in the streambed after the flood of 1964. It was rediscovered in 2011.
And that all the 5 evidence that compels our group the most about bigfoot.
Member of Group 2
1. Ralph Marc Jumamoy
2. Eduard Alenoar3. Frtitz Sumaco
4. Bill Romero